Medical team

Our plan for you is to never be without teeth for a single day

We have been working exclusively in dental implantology since 2002 and we are pioneers in same-day implants and fixed teeth.

It is not just about putting in dental implants. It is about restoring quality of life.

Dr. Alberto Vericat

Director of Vericat

Comfort, aesthetics and durability

Believing in what you do and how you do it is key.

Before finishing his studies in dentistry, Dr Alberto Vericat knew very clearly that he wanted to specialise in implantology and oral surgery. He wanted to do so at the highest level to achieve the utmost quality.

After completing his university studies in 1999 and three years of training in this speciality, he began his exclusive dedication to dental implantology. His determination to restore the quality of life of his patients made him a pioneer in the routine use of the immediate implantology technique in 2002.

Since then, he has made this treatment the most predictable, reliable and optimal alternative for most cases.

This implant protocol is what Vericat Training students can access through the Master’s Degree in Oral Implantology and the various intensive specialisation courses.

Vericat's team of implantologists

A strong team of experienced professionals who are fully specialised in immediate dental implantology and with the highest success rate in the sector. Most of the team has been trained internally through the Vericat Training Institute to guarantee the highest standards of excellence and the most predictable results.

If we add to this team the latest generation technological equipment and the highest quality materials, the result is always the best.

Dr. Alberto Vericat


23 years of exclusive dedication to dental implantology.
Pioneer since 2002 in immediate implant loading: implants and fixed teeth in one day.
Vericat Training Director

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Vericat Immediate Implantology Director
Severe Maxillary Atrophy Unit Director at Vericat Group.
Degree in Dentistry. Universitat de València. 1991-1996.
Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery and Implantology. Universitat de Barcelona. Dr Gay Escoda 1996-1999.
Member of the Brãnemark Osseointegration Center in Barcelona Dr Joan Pi for 4 years. 1999-2003.
Postgraduate course in Advanced Surgery in Implantology. Dr Carlo Tinti. 2000.
Postgraduate course in aesthetic mucogingival surgery. Dr Carlo Tinti. 2001.
Director of Vericat Implantology’s clinical team.
Director of Vericat Training.
Director of the Severe Maxillary Atrophy Treatment Unit at Vericat Implantology and Vericat Training.
National and international speaker on immediate functionality and zygomatic implants.
Member of different scientific societies (SEPA, SEPES, SECOM, SECIB).


Dr. Ana Ronda


Private practice dedicated exclusively to dental implantology at Vericat Immediate Implantology.
Medical director of Vericat Immediate Implantology l’Eliana.
Degree in Dentistry. Universitat de València. 2005-2010.

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Diploma in Oral Surgery in the hospital network at the Hospital General de Valencia. Guidance: Dr Bagán. 2013-2014.
Diploma in Medical-Surgical Hospital Dentistry. Hospital Dr Peset. Guidance: Dr Silvestre 2014-2015.
Master’s Degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery. Vericat Training. 2015-2016.
Course on Advanced Cadaver Head Surgery. Vericat Training. 2016.


Dr. Héctor Dejean


Dentist specialising in dental implants at Vericat Immediate Implantology.
Teacher at Vericat Training.
Práctica privada dedicada en exclusiva a la implantología dental en Vericat Implantología Inmediata.
Director médico de Vericat Implantología Inmediata-Alzira.
Profesor en Vericat Instituto de Formación.

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Grado en Odontología. Universitat de València. 2008-13.
Meritorio en el Departamento de Cirugía de la Universitat de València. 2012-13.
Máster en Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral. European School of Oral Rehabilitation Implantology and Biomaterials (ESORIB). 2013-14.
Curso de Cirugía Avanzada sobre Cabezas de Cadáver. Vericat Formación. 2016.


Dr. César Bernabé


Director of the Vericat Immediate Implantology – Valencia.
Teacher at Vericat Training Institute.
Degree in Dentistry. Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera. 2003-2008

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International Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery and Implantology. Universitat de València. 2020-2023
Master’s Degree in Oral Implantology. Vericat Training. 2019-2020
Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery and Introduction to Implantology. Vericat Training. 2018-2019
Master’s Degree in Management and Direction of Dental Clinics. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. 2014-2015
Master’s Degree in Dental Sciences. Universitat de València. 2012-2013
Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Adhesive Dentistry. Universitat de València. 2008-2009
3i Implant Prosthetics Course. Universitat de València. 2011-2012
Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Adhesive Aesthetic Dentistry. Universitat de València. 2010-2016
Lecturer in the Certificate in Minimally Invasive Dentistry. Universitat de València. 2012-2015
Collaborating Dentist at the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research in the Valencian Community (Fisabio). Generalitat Valenciana. 2012-2016


Dra. Celia Fragio


Dentist specialising in dental implants at Vericat Immediate Implantology.
Medical director of the dental implant clinic Vericat Benidorm.
Teacher at Vericat Training.
Directora médica de Vericat Implantología Inmediata-Benidorm.
Profesora en Vericat Instituto de Formación.
Grado en Odontología por la Universidad de Valencia 2016-2021

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Diploma de especialización médico-quirúrgica en el Hospital Dr. Peset (2021-2022)
Máster en Implantología y Manejo de Tejidos Blandos (Vericat Formación) 2021-2022
Curso de Elevación de Seno en Vericat Formación (2022)
Profesora del Máster en Implantología Oral y manejo de tejidos blandos en Vericat Formación
Práctica privada con dedicación exclusiva a la implantología en Vericat Formación


Dr. Cristina Sarriá


Dentist specialising in dental implants at Vericat Immediate Implantology.
Medical director of the dental implant clinic Vericat Ontinyent.
Teacher at Vericat Training.
Práctica privada dedicada en exclusiva a la implantología dental en Vericat Implantología Inmediata.
Directora médica de Vericat Implantología Inmediata-Ontinyent.
Profesora en Vericat Instituto de Formación.

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Ponente en Sesiones Clínicas de Odontología Médico-quirúrgica. Universitat de València y Servicio de Estomatología-CMF Hospital General.
Grado en Odontología. Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera. 2009-2014.
Máster en Medicina Oral. Universitat de València. 2014-2015.
Máster en Implantología y Cirugía Oral. Vericat Formación. 2015-2016.


Dr. Perla Della Nave


Dentist specialising in dental implants at Vericat Immediate Implantology.
Medical director of the dental implant clinic Vericat Madrid.
Director of Vericat Implantology’s scientific department.
Teacher at Vericat Training.
Práctica privada dedicada en exclusiva a la implantología dental en Vericat Implantología Inmediata.
Directora médica de Vericat Implantología Inmediata-Madrid.
Profesora en Vericat Instituto de Formación.

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Grado en Odontología. Universidad Europea de Valencia. 2016.
Máster en Implantología y Cirugía Oral. Universitat de Lleida. 2016-2017.
Premio al mejor expediente académico. Universidad Europea de Valencia.
Advanced and Principles in Clinical Dentistry. New York University College of Dentistry. 2013.
Curso Avanzado de Elevación de Seno Maxilar. Vericat Formación. 2018.
Ponente en sesiones clínicas de Medicina Oral junto al prof. Dr José Vicente Bagán. Universidad de Valencia (2016).
Ponente en Congreso Clínico Internacional de Sociedad Española de Odontología Conservadora y Estética (2016).
Curso Intensivo de Cirugía Oral Avanzada. Hospital de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. 2018.


Dr. Hugo Pérez


Dentist specialising in dental implants at Vericat Immediate Implantology.
Medical director of the dental implant clinic Vericat Alcoi.
Medical director of the dental implant clinic Vericat Elche.
Teacher at Vericat Training.
Práctica privada dedicada en exclusiva a la implantología dental en Vericat Implantología Inmediata.
Director médico de Vericat Implantología Inmediata-Alcoi y Elche.
Profesor en Vericat Instituto de Formación.

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Grado en Odontología en 2015. Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU.
Título Experto en Cirugía y Prótesis sobre Implantes en 2016. Ceodont. Madrid.
Máster en Implantología Oral en 2017. Vericat Formación. Título propio de la Universitat de Lleida.


Find out about our patients' experience to help you make the right decision
Find out more about the experience of Vericat immediate implantology from our patients.

6 reasons to choose Vericat

Dental implants guarantee the best results in terms of aesthetics, comfort and durability when replacing lost or damaged teeth.

However, if we also refer to immediate implantology, which guarantees that your smile will be restored in one day, the reasons for choosing us multiply.


25,000 satisfied patients treated with dental implants


Super specialisation
Reaching the highest level of specialisation allows us to lead the sector's success rate.


Pioneers since 2002 in immediate dental implants - fixed teeth on the same day


Conscious sedation is available for all our treatments.


We are a benchmark centre for implantology training


+12,000 implants per year performed by the Vericat team

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