The Vericat Method
The Vericat Method: flawless expertise
The Vericat Method is a medical protocol developed from the postoperative analysis of the more than 100.000 implants we have placed. This research has allowed us to know precisely and safely how to proceed on a clinical level after studying annually and in maximum detail, the behaviour and evolution of the bone and gum from the more than 25.000 patients from the clinic.
You are going to smile and eat in complete confidence in one day
The Vericat Method, developed by Dr Alberto Vericat, is based on the postoperative control and analysis of thousands of patients who undergo annual check-ups to study the behaviour and evolution of the bone and gums as closely as possible, taking into account the techniques used.
Our entire medical team uses this method to guarantee standards of excellence and to continue to be leaders in the sector for success rate. Therefore, we train our professionals in advance according to the Vericat method. This, together with the use of the highest quality materials, always guarantees the best results.
Immediate implant:
fixed teeth on the same day
We fit the implants and fixed teeth on the same day and in the evening, you can eat as normal. It is called immediacy.
This immediate technique can be used to restore one tooth, several teeth, a whole jaw or both jaws.
Implants and fixed
teeth in 1 day
post-extraction implants
Zygomatic implants
for patients with
little bone
sinus lift
Proprietary diagnostic method for impeccable and immediate results
Severe Maxillary Atrophy Unit with immediate implant fitting
6 reasons to choose Vericat
Dental implants guarantee the best results in terms of aesthetics, comfort and durability when replacing lost or damaged teeth.
However, if we also refer to immediate implantology, which guarantees that your smile will be restored in one day, the reasons for choosing us multiply.
25,000 satisfied patients treated with dental implants
Super specialisation
Reaching the highest level of specialisation allows us to lead the sector's success rate.
Pioneers since 2002 in immediate dental implants - fixed teeth on the same day
Conscious sedation is available for all our treatments.
We are a benchmark centre for implantology training
+12,000 implants per year performed by the Vericat team
Request your free appointment and get your smile back in just one day.
Request your free appointment and get your smile back in just one day.
Fill in the form and we will contact you immediately.